Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8:30am – 6.00pm
All after hour clinics of an evening and weekend have been suspended until all COVID-19 Restrictions have been lifted.
Address: 52-56 Bass Highway, Cooee TAS 7320
Phone: 03 6433 9999
Fax: 03 6433 9900
Burnie GP Super Clinic is a fully accredited practice.
Privately owned located in a beautiful suburb of Cooee with stunning views and only an hours flight from Melbourne. The practice has been purpose built with support by a capital grant from the Australian Government under the National GP Superclinics Program.
The Super Clinic will operate with a strong orientation towards shared care and integrated service arrangements.

Patients can make an appointment with the doctor of your choice.
When your own Doctor is not available, cover will be provided by another GP in the Practice.

General Practice
In addition to general medical consultations the services we offer a large number of specialised services.

Covid-19 Vaccinations
Twice weekly clinics now operating. Contact the Practice to book in your vaccination.

Preventative Medicine
The Practice supports lifestyle modification, mental health, Indigenous Health Services and regular FREE diabeties clinics.
New Patients
If you are a new patient and would like to register with us, kindly click on the link to download our “Patient Health Summary Sheet”, then give us a call when an appointment is needed and bring your completed form.
Practice address
52-56 Bass Highway, Cooee TAS 7320
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8:30am – 6.00pm
All after hour clinics of an evening and weekend have been suspended until all COVID-19 Restrictions have been lifted.
Outside our opening hours, medical advice is available through GP Assist which is an after hour’s triage service. They may be contacted by phoning GP Assist on 1800 022 222.
In case of an emergency please phone 000 or present at North West Regional Hospital – Brickport Road, Burnie
Outside our opening hours, medical advice is available through GP Assist which is an after hour’s triage service. They may be contacted by phoning GP Assist on 1800 022 222.
In case of an emergency, please phone 000 or present at North West Regional Hospital, Brickport Road, Burnie
Telephoning your Doctor – Doctors do not take routine phone calls whilst they are consulting. Message will be taken by receptionist and Doctor will be informed in between patients. If it is urgent, please tell the receptionist and the Doctor will be informed immediately. Receptionist will endeavor to respond to patients messages on the day.
A Practice Nurse is always on duty to answer any patient inquiry. Please inform our reception if the matter is urgent so we can transfer your call to the Nurse on duty. Our Practice Nurse also triage medical matters that needs to be seen on day and they can also answer non urgent inquiries.
Consultation Fees
- Level A – Very short consultation: $45.00
Rebate $19.60 Gap $25.40
- Level B – Standard consultation: $79.00
Rebate $42.85 Gap $36.15
- Level C – Multiple problems issue: $120.00
Rebate $82.90 Gap $37.10
- Level D – Complex Issues: $160.00
Rebate $122.15 Gap $37.85
Translating Services
An interpreter for patients with hearing impairment can be booked through National Auslan Interpreter Booking Service (NABS)
If you speak a language other than English, we can arrange for a free interpreter through the Translation Interpreter Service (TIS). Please inform reception when booking your appointment.
Patient Feedback
We welcome any feedback or comments. Please feel free to speak with us if you have any concerns. Alternatively complete a Feedback form which is located in our waiting area.
If you have concerns that a complaint has not been addressed adequately by the practice, you may wish to contact an external body:
The Office of the Ombudsman & Health Complaints Commissioner
GPO Box 960, Hobart TAS 7001
Tel 1800 001 170
We bulk bill patients who have a current Pension Card, Health Care Card, Veteran Affairs Card and children under 16 years. Please bring your current Medicare, DVA and concession card to your appointment.
We also bulk bill patients attending for chronic diseases management plans.
We private bill adults without a concession card and persons not covered by Medicare. All fees are payable on the day. Payment can be made by cash, EFTPOS and credit card (Visa & Mastercard).
Where an account is due, we ask that you pay your account on the day. You can claim medicare rebate from Medicare if you do not qualify for bulk billing. Please note that the Medicare refund covers only part of your account. A $5 accounting fee will apply if the account is not paid on the day.